Supporting self-determination within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities of the Loddon-Mallee region.
Welcome to The Loddon Mallee Aboriginal Reference group, known familiarly as LMARG. We are a consortium of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) in the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria. Our association provides a forum for strategic planning and collective decision-making amongst ACCOs, helping members collaborate and support one another as we work towards a common goal. Together, we can coordinate our actions, distribute our resources and achieve much greater outcomes.
Self-determination is the fundamental right that allows Aboriginal communities to build on their strengths, protect the richness of their culture and secure a better future. It involves a transference of power, decision-making and resources back to Aboriginal communities.
LMARG helps make this a reality. Through a framework of self-determination, our members work collectively to set priorities, allocate resources and make decisions that reflect the aspirations of the Aboriginal communities we serve.
It's our mission to improve the health and social outcomes of Aboriginal communities in our region. Together with our members, we aim to achieve this through the delivery of programs across health, human services, education, employment and justice sectors.
LMARG was formed in 1997 as a networking and consultative body for ACCOs in North-West Victoria. Governed by the CEOs of membership ACCOs, LMARG provides an environment for collective decision making, policy and advocacy, and has been acknowledged as an exemplar in Aboriginal leadership.
Our members have seen first hand the outcomes that can be achieved through a collaborative approach – and not only from a big picture perspective. On an individual level, our members have advantages such as building relationships, sharing documents and getting advice from others with similar experience.
Currently, our membership is made up by Bendigo & District Aboriginal Cooperative (BDAC), Mallee District Aboriginal Services (MDAS), Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative (MVAC) and Njernda Aboriginal Corporation.